GCH Katahdin Av Vikholmen CGC, IT, CD, IT
sr, se, IR, GB, NED, LUX Ch. Revloch Zidane x BISS Ch Dustin Dream Av Vikholmen
Breeder: Ada Ekeland https://www.vikholmen.com/
OFA BT-6077G25M-VPI, BT-EL328M25-VPI, BT-TH777/22M-VPI, BT-EYE355/61M-VPI CHIC 101955 DNA #V702591
See some of Baxter's kids
PVBSC 2019 Gala Judge: Tom Roozen
Baxter on the way to earning his Tracking Dog title.
What can I say about Baxter. First of all, he was supposed to be Black, LOL. Well, a Groenendael is what I'd reserved from his breeder in Norway. As the litter grew, his breeder kept telling me she thought a Tervuren pup was the best male. I resisted the idea initially. But as the weeks went by, I thought to myself that it might be fun. I had just decided to retire from breeding so it didn’t really matter which variety of Belgian I got and when I started my search for a Belgian 40 years prior, I’d looked at Tervuren first. I went with the Groenendael because a litter was ready when I was.
When Baxter arrived, I thought he was the most beautiful Belgian puppy I’d ever seen. As it turned out, his breeder was completely right about him. Baxter finished his Ch. by 8 months of age. At 16 mos., He went to his first national where he earned his TD and handled by my dear friend, Annette Sullivan, he won an Award of Merit. Two years later, hubby and I showed him to a BOS at the National. Finally, two more years later, he won the coveted BOB and BISS at his final National.
Some folks were not too happy with his wins due to the fact that his parents were Groenendael. Some thought I had a political agenda of pushing re-combining the breeds here in the US. While I always believed the Belgians are one breed, nothing was further from the truth. He was bought as a lark and as a companion for us to play with and to show; no more, no less.
Except when shown in the classes to finish his CH., Baxter was only shown at a few local Specialties and at Nationals. He was never campaigned.
He was extremely sweet, gentle and very affectionate. He loved people and was never quarrelsome with other dogs. He was a very good eater and kept weight on easily. He had medium drive energy but could adapt to be a couch potato as easily. He loved tracking. He didn't care much for obedience but then again, neither did I. My health kept us from doing more tracking and scent work was just taking hold so we missed that. From the time he was a baby he would play bow often to get us to play with him. That was his signature move and he did it daily.
We had purchased him thinking he would be our last Belgian and felt by the time he reached old age, we’d be too old for a big dog. Fate intervened and we lost him far too young to Gastric Adenocarcinoma.
SIRE: sr, se, IR, GB, LUX, NED CH, BISS Revloch Zidane Hips 5:3 Eyes clear 2012
Top Groenendael in the UK 2012
CSAU, TAN and SR (Sujet Recommende) at the French Speciality 2012
BEST IN SHOW at the NORBEL Club Speciality (UK) 2012
CRUFTS Best of Breed 2011 and 2012
Top Groenendael in the UK and Ireland 2011
Top Groenendael Puppy in the UK and Ireland 2010
18 CC's * 3 Res CC's
DAM: Ch Dustin Dream av Vikholmen - "Dusty" Hips AA, Elbows AA/00 Eyes clear 2010
Best Belgian Shepherd in Norway 2011 - 2013
Breed Winner of Norwegian Kennel Club 2011 - 2013 !!
Best Belgian Shepherd in Hordaland 2010 - 2011 - 2013
2.best Belgian Shepherd in Norway 2010 (after her mother)
C.I.E. Norwegian Champion Danish Champion JWW-2010
DKW-11 NW-11 NW- 13 Nordic W-11
Helsinki W-2013 - Finnish W-2013 - BISS x 6 !
Crufts qualified 2012 - 2014 - 2.best at Crufts 2013