

11/09/2015 17:10
Revamped Midas' page.

Josie Earns a new title.

11/09/2015 17:06
Congratulations to Carol Denny and Josie on finishing their Rally Advanced title with two firsts, a second and a high in trial.

Ink is the star!

10/02/2015 16:16
This past weekend, Florence Archer and Rolin Ridge's Indigo Ink CGC TDI UD PT AX AXJ NF HIT won her third Specialty 5 pt. WB to finish her Ch. AND High In Trial out of Utility B in the same day!

Josie rocks at Rally

06/23/2015 23:12
High fives to Carol D. and Josie on earning their Rally Novice title with scores of 97, 98 and 100 with placings!  In addition, on the same weekend, Josie won a leg in Rally advanced with a 1st place and perfect 100 score.

Santana wipes up at BSCA 2015 Agility Trials

06/08/2015 08:26
Huge congratulations to Annette S. and Santana, CH. Rolin Ridge's Golden Grammy,  HIC, CGC, TDI, RE, JHD, PT, AX, MXJ, on his outstanding performance at the BSCA Nationals by winning High In Trial and High Combined in agility.
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